Jesus Freak

Good ol’ fashion judgement. There’s nothing quite like it. It comes from such an uneducated place and usually has no weight behind it. Just useless.

But, we all do it. Knowing full well that it’s shitty to do. One of the many complicated parts of being human.

Well, thank goodness, there’s someone else out there that we can lean on during trying times, and He’s very familiar with being judged so he can handle it.

Jesus Christ.

I know, I know….weird. God is always a unique topic to bring up. Sometimes, I get even nervous to bring it up or talk about my relationship with Christ because I know how people can react towards it.

I’ve been called a hypocrite many times…which I can TOTALLY understand the thought process behind that. I get it. I really, truly get it. I am pretty sure I would be calling someone a hypocrite, too, if I was on the outside watching someone’s transformation similar to mine.

But, that’s the super cool thing about Jesus. He’s kinda hoping for us to become “hypocrites”. Because that means we are learning and changing, and outgrowing our previous, hypocritical selves.

I have told so many people that I also think I’m a hypocrite and I’m pretty sure I’ll write a book about that someday, and I’ll call it, “I’m a fucking hypocrite. Thank GOD!” (pretend that is copyrighted right now because I do what I want - Ron Swanson.)

Another fun thing I’ve been called since I have volcalized my spiritual journey, is “Jesus Freak”. That one is my favorite. I’m not even being sarcastic, you guys.

I was like, oh my God, I AM a Jesus freak! I totally am. I get now why people get so excited about loving Jesus and why they want to tell people about it. I get it because he has the power to change your whole life. He has the power to save you.

And until you experience that, or truly believe it, you do view people as “freaks” about it. Simply because it’s so fucking hard to comprehend.

Trust me. I know. I get it.

I grew up believing in God. Going to church. Saying prayers. blah blah blah. I feel like I have always “believed in God”, but I never actively pursued a relationship with him until my mom died.

That moment in my life was so earth-shattering. So surreal. So unbelievably painful. I fully planned on not surviving it. And I wouldn’t have, had I not quit drinking during that time, and had I not leaned on Jesus.

The sadness and darkness was all-consuming. Those bads thoughts never stopped coming. I couldn’t get out of my own mind.

Then, thankfully, my whole New York experience happened during the 9/11 Memorial. That trip solidified my belief in Christ.

(I wrote a book about this entire experience. If you would like to purchase a copy, please go to

After seeing what those people survived and how they carried on with life, made me realize that I must do that same. But, I knew I couldn’t do it alone. So, I surrendered to the man upstairs, and life has never been the same.

Why I wanted to talk about this today is because I remember always being so judgy towards “religious” people. I really was. I thought they were weird, hypocrites, and….wait for it….freaks!

Yep. Been there. Thought that.

And now, here I am, one of those freaks….and I TOTALLY FUCKING GET IT.

It’s like once you realize how much better life can get, with a little help from above, you just want to shove it in people’s faces!!!!!


I know. That seems dramatic.

But, have we met?

But literally. For me. That is how my relationship with Christ has become. It’s my most important relationship. So, fuck yes I am dramatic about it and yes I can totally see why I seem like a Jesus freak.

And if you have had an experience like mine, you totally get it. And if you haven’t had an experience, than I seem totally crazy.

The cool thing is though, when you’re living with a bigger purpose, what other people think doesn’t really matter.

If you know you are on your path, from God, then it doesn’t matter if other people don’t understand it. They don’t need to. They will in time.

So, in the meantime, when I get called a Jesus freak, I secretly giggle. Because that is not a negative thing to me (even though it was said as an insult). I would take being this version of me, Jesus freak and all, over who I was yesterday, ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

I used to be very unhappy. And I used to drink, a lot, in order to combat that. And I hid it very, very well.

I look back on that version of myself and it makes me sad for that girl. She was so lost.

But now, I have been found. And I am totally a “Jesus freak”.

So, in light of that, I decided to let out a burst of creativity to test my new product page on my website. I created a t-shirt that says, “Jesus freak”, naturally, and it is available to purchase at

What’s cool about this is that I don’t ship them to you! (I am terribly unorganized at times and just can’t get my shit together some days.) So, this eliminates that headache for me and longer wait times for you! Once you enter your info on the website, the shirt automatically is made and shipped directly to you!

I am doing this as a test run to see how well this works from my website for other products I launch in the future.

But mainly, I’m selling this specific shirt because I want to share my love of Jesus with people. I also want to normalize loving Jesus, without people thinking you must be a “freak” to do so. So, it’s just a fun play-on-words, but with a refreshing message.

Someday, I hope to be walking around out in the community and see someone rockin’ a “Jesus freak” shirt! You must prepare yourself for this moment, because I will immediately assume we are best friends and come up and hug you.

You have been warned.

I have no awareness of personal boundaries. I’m working on it in therapy. (not really hard though because I honestly think more people need hugs and I am going to hug them!)

((ps. you just got an insight of how frustrating it must be to be my therapist.))

Anyways, I digress.

Happy Trails,



Stupid Linda


Fill the Gap