Dream Bigger

As I’m sitting down to write this, it is the night before my grand opening of my store. For my business. That I created. Out of the blue.

How cool is that?! How unbelievably cool is that?!

This was once just a dream. To own my own business. It was just a dream.

And now. Here we are.

What got me thinking about this was something I found in an old journal of mine. I was reminiscing through my journal from the beginning of this year (as I often do to go over everything) and I came upon an entry I wrote in February, 2022.

The entry said, “Someday, I hope to open my own store.”

I completely forgot that I wrote that. But that has been the goal and that has been what I’ve been working so hard for. But I forgot I wrote that. I’m not surprised I wrote it since I believe in vision boards and the power of manifesting. I just had no memory of writing that down.

It was such a cool feeling when I saw that entry. Almost a year ago. And now, that entry will read differently. “Tomorrow, I AM opening my own store.”

OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (This is in reference to all the butterflies in my tummy!!!!!!!!)

I still can’t believe this is real. Especially since half the time I have no fucking clue what I’m doing. I screw up constantly. I have a terrible memory and forget things. I fail everyday as a businesswoman. Yet, here I am. (This is 1000% due to my amazing, patient clients and other business owners that have guided me along the way!)

The cool thing is, almost every other business woman I’ve spoken too says the same thing - they have no clue what they’re doing either! That’s when I realized that the trick is to just keep going, keep working hard, and keep dreaming big!

When I realized that my dream that I wrote down in my journal from almost a year ago had come true, I got incredibly excited!

If I have the power to do that in a year….to create and open my own business storefront……..WHAT ELSE CAN I DO??????

I have always dreamed big.

Now, I’m going to dream bigger!

Why the hell not?!

If you would’ve asked me a year ago if I thought I’d be where I am now, I would’ve laughed in your face. But again, here we are.

Once I started living more like my mom; saying yes, setting boundaries, doing it scared, fulfilling my bucket list, following my dreams, etc., everything in my life started to drastically improve.

I even finally summoned the courage to go to Nashville…..and cut my first record!!!!!!!!!!


I’ve always, ALWAYS wanted to do that, but was always too scared of what people would think.

Thank God I don’t live like that anymore because Nashville was the most amazing experience ever and I have so much more to tell you about that (and that story includes Dolly), but that is for another day.

One huge milestone at a time!

(I’m giggling because of how much of my mother is coming out in me right now….like okay you are almost done with your open house, better start an entirely new huge project now!)

Anyways, as you all know, I digress.

Since I have started dreaming bigger, bigger dreams have started coming true. And it just hit me like a ton of bricks.

Why do we dream so small? Why are we afraid to tell people our big dreams? Why don’t we just scare the hell out of ourselves with our dreams?

I know why. It’s because people usually laugh at big dreams. People don’t usually understand big dreams. But, people only laugh at that, because they don’t have big dreams for themselves. And it’s always easy to judge something you don’t understand.

But, it’s wonderful to dream.

I challenge you to dream big. And then, dream even bigger. Bigger than you ever thought you could.

Because…..what if…..hear me out…..what if……YOU OBTAIN THAT DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like my dream of going to Nashville……..why on Earth did I wait so long to do that?!?!?!?!?! What did I prove by not pursuing my passion?


And do you know what that trip to Nashville did to my soul?!?!?! LIT IT ON FIRE!!!!!!!!

I would’ve never felt that feeling, if I wouldn’t have dreamt that big.

So, now I’m dreaming even bigger. Bigger and crazier than ever!

So, Dream. Dream Big. And then even Bigger.

Because…..what if…….

Happy Trails,



Askin’ Em’s Advice


Pink Candy Canes