Christ and Therapy

8 people I know have died this year from suicide

That number goes up more every year

I know that feeling, feeling dead inside

And I know that fear

Every time I hear that news

That we lost another soul

At the hands of their own-doing

It reminds me of my goal

To advocate for mental health

And be a beacon of hope

For those of you, that are just like me

Who sometimes need extra rope

My mission is to shed light on depression

And to show how dark it can truly be

But, to also, shed hope on a better life

That I found from Christ and therapy

I go to therapy

I have for many years

I go there to laugh and cry

And sometimes to cheer

Therapy allows you

To say what you’re not supposed to say

And by doing that, you start healing

Thus beginning better days

It doesn’t happen overnight

And the battle is not easily won

You must work at your mental health

Consider this Day 1

Ask for help





I’ll say it again and again


Someone loves you, and needs you here, my friend

Sometimes times get tough

But people are tougher

So hang onto your people

To help you through your suffer

Stop listening to that voice

Because You are NOT alone

Someone here needs you

Get off your damn phone

If you don’t believe me

That no one’ll miss you when you’re gone

Go tell someone your plans of harm

And see how fast that plan will be undone

Because when we bring those dark thoughts

Into the light

It quiets that demon

That lives in your mind

You see, if you believe in God

You have to believe in the devil, too

Because he is also alive and well

And loves it when he can cling onto you

How this demon does that

Is by whispering thoughts in your head

They start out just soft and quiet

Until they become all you hear instead

But, I’m telling you

Don’t feed that beast

It is lying to you

Because it knows your weak

God doesn’t want his children to hurt

Although He knows we feel pain

But he doesn’t want you to hurt yourself

Those thoughts are demonic and vain

I hate how much I, too

Struggle with this game

Because it can be debilitating

And depression has deep fangs

But, there is hope

Please reach out and see

My whole life turned around

Once I found Christ and Therapy

To some of you, this message

Will not apply

But to those of you, quietly in the back

I see you, please come say, “Hi”


Remember, that other voice is lying

And you leaving this world like that

Only leaves your mother here on the inside dying

If you haven’t tried this yet

I highly recommend Jesus Christ

Turns out the dude knows what’s up

And He WILL give you a purpose in life

If Jesus isn’t your dude

There are others things

I also recommend therapy

To help heal those broken wings

If therapy isn’t your thing

That’s okay, too

Please just find someone you trust

And start bringing them in your loop

Because you are loved

Someone wants you here

If a voice inside is telling you otherwise

Say it out loud for others to hear

Because, again, you are loved

So say those thoughts out loud

By doing that, you defeat them

And you deserve to feel proud

I know it’s been hard

And you’re at the end of your rope

But tie a bigger knot and hang on

Because there is a road of hope

There’s this guy, Jesus, and He heals things

He can heal you too

Actually he’s like REALLY good at it

Plus, He already loves you

Again, if that’s not your thing

Go to therapy

Find yourself someone to talk to

To give light to those dark thought things

You deserve peace

And not peace from death

But peace from within

Your soul just needs to rest

You are loved and not alone

I need you to hear me

But if you can’t hear me

Please try Christ and Therapy

Happy Trails,



Check on your Men


One Year Later…